The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Working as an emergency doctor under a lot of physical and psychological pressure, helping those patients who are unsatisfied because of the huge casualties and injuries; makes him in need for some support to get strength and refresh his feeling of satisfaction in order to overcome these pressures.

During one of my shifts an old man came to ER holding his right arm with his left hand screaming form severe pain, after he slipped and fell on his hand. Upon observing and examining the patient, there was a deformation in the form of the deltoid muscle, pain in the shoulder joint and a severe limitation in the movement of the joint, so I diagnosed him with a dislocation in the shoulder joint. It was radiography evident, and the patient was undergone a maneuver to reduce the dislocation, it was a successful maneuver.
 It might be a simple work and it does not require that much experience and skill, but after the patient awaken from anesthesia and has got rid of his pain and suffering, he began praying and asking God to bless me and grant me success and livelihood.

This is what re-nourished my mind and almost erased memory, it reminded me of the primary goal that prompted me to choose medicine as a study and a profession which was “to help people to improve their lives and get rid them of their suffering “

 In another situation, I saw a child whose older brother had pulled her hand and caused her to have a dislocated head in the radius, which caused her inability to move her arm.

With a simple movement, I reduced the dislocation and the hand movement returned to normal.

At that time, I mention a sudden shift in the child parents’ faces from grief and anxiety to expressions of happiness and contentment.
 Such a situations motivated me for more learning and training to achieve a higher level of success and overcome the frustrations surrounding us, and it taught us that The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step .

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